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Programa de Atención de Salud Reproductiva

¡Ayúdenos a correr la voz! ¡Anticonceptivos gratis para todos!

¿Eres un inmigrante de bajos ingresos, con o sin documentación? ¡¡Aplica hoy!! Apply today!

This page will help you navigate resources and questions regarding the Programa de Atención de Salud Reproductiva and will cover:
  • ¿Afectará esto a la “carga pública”?
  • ¿Califico para el Programa de Atención de la Salud Reproductiva?
  • ¿Cómo puedo aplicar?
  • Recursos Externos

¡El Programa de Atención de la Salud Reproductiva de Colorado ya está abierto!

Inmigrantes, independientemente de la documentación,pueden acceder a métodos anticonceptivos, servicios básicos de fertilidad, exámenes de detección de ITS y cáncer y más de forma gratuita a través del programa Medicaid de nuestro estado, si de otra manera calificarían para Medicaid si no fuera por su estado migratorio. Este programa es para ti!

  • Servicios de planificación familiar GRATUITOS,incluyendo:
    • Visitas al consultorio de consejería anticonceptiva para hablar sobre planificación familiar, cómo tomar decisiones saludables sobre su salud reproductiva y qué método es mejor para usted
    • Diferentes tipos de control de la natalidad (incluidas la píldora anticonceptiva, el anillo, el DIU, los implantes o la inyección) 
    • Inserción y extracción de dispositivos (DIU, implante) y servicios relacionados, incluida la gestión de efectos secundarios
    • Anticoncepción de emergencia
    • Servicios de esterilización (ligadura de trompas y vasectomía)
    • Evaluaciones básicas de fertilidad
  • 12 meses de pastillas anticonceptivas para cualquier afiliado con Health First Colorado que lo desee.

¡Y ya no hay que volver al consultorio médico y a la farmacia cada 1 a 3 meses solo para obtener su control de la natalidad! Sabemos que cuando alguien pueden acceder una cantidad mayor al mismo tiempo, se reducen las barreras para el cuidado médico y los embarazos no deseados.

¡Pero eso no es todo! En 2023, ampliamos este programa para incluir servicios relacionados con la planificación familiar, relacionado que entrará en vigencia el 1 de julio de 2023. Esta expansión brindará:

  • FREE Family Planning Related Services, including:
    • Sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention
    • Cervical cancer screenings and counseling
    • Tobacco cessation
    • Depression screenings

Do I qualify?

A resident of Colorado is defined as a person who is living within the state of Colorado and considers Colorado to be their place of residence at the time of application. Therefore, we do not categorize anyone’s residency in Colorado based on their citizenship or Legal immigrant status. If the person is living in the State of CO and considers this their place of residence when applying we will determine that as meeting residency requirements regardless if they have an actual address.

Will this affect “Public Charge”?

The federal government uses the term “public charge” when deciding who is eligible for admission into the US or who can become a permanent resident. A non-citizen application can be denied if they are found “likely at any time to be a public charge.”

During the Trump administration, additional public benefits were added to the list. However, those benefits were removed in 2021, and the most recent rules went into effect in December 2022.

Benefits your family members use will not be considered in the public charge test. The only benefits considered are those used by the applicant themselves.

If you need more help or have questions, it’s best to talk with an immigration lawyer. A list can be found at:

¿Califico para el Programa de Atención de la Salud Reproductiva?

You may qualify for the Reproductive Health Care Program if you meet the requirements for Health First Colorado (Colorado Medicaid), except for your immigration status. This program was created specifically for immigrants without documentation! Your information is safe, and the services are ready for you to use.

Do I qualify for Health First Colorado (Colorado Medicaid)?

For more detailed information, visit the Health First Colorado website.

To qualify, you must have an annual household income (before taxes) that is below the following amounts:

*For households with more than eight people, add $6,836 per additional person. Always check with the appropriate managing agency to ensure the most accurate guidelines.

¿Cómo puedo aplicar?

You can use these online resources:

  1. PEAK Website 
  2. Health First Colorado’s Enrollment Website
  3. Health First Colorado’s Mobile App 

If you’d prefer to speak with someone directly, you can also:

  1. Contact Health First Colorado’s Member Contact Center: 1-800-221-3943
  2. Find your nearest Department of Human Services Office on this map and ask for help with applying 
  3. Find your nearest Community Health Center on this map and ask for help with applying  
  4. Find your nearest Medicaid Provider on this map and ask for help with applying

For more information, visit Health First Colorado’s Extending Family Planning Benefits Page (click on the third tab titled “Family Planning and EMS”)

Recursos Externos

For people seeking coverage 🧾

For providers 👩🏽‍⚕️

Other resources 🧠

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We Control Our Own Bodies, Lives, and Futures! A year post-Dobbs, we continue to lead with our reproductive justice work and fight for the protections we need to lead safe, healthy, and self-determined lives – always.