Support Our Work

What Your Support Does

$250 helps bring four Coloradans from across the state to Latino/a Advocacy Day for civic engagement training sessions like How to talk to your legislator in order to build community power and influence policies. $150 sends three canvassers into our communities through the Voter Engagement program to register voters, educate communities about the electoral process, and get the Latinx vote out! $75 provides sex ed to one young person and a caring adult in their life through the Two-Gen Comp Sex Ed program, where our Spanish-speaking, im/migrant families can discuss sexual health. $55 provides one campus outreach event led by one of our Youth of COLOR Fellows to discuss abortion access and stigma.

When you donate monthly to COLOR you help sustain our efforts year round. From our youth leadership programs, like LIPS and Youth of COLOR Fellowship, to our community and intergenerational education programs like Cafecitos, we could not do it all without our sustaining donors. Start your recurrent gift today.

Other Ways To Give

Giving Assistant: When you shop through the Giving assistant website you earn cashback through coupons that can be donated to COLOR. These donations really add up and help us continue our programming and policy work. Through the Giving Assistant website you can shop for almost anything from clothing and shoes to household goods, to your next trip or live concert. To shop online and donate to COLOR you can go to our Giving Assistant sign up page and start shopping at your favorite stores online! If you’re someone who already has websites you trust to buy your products, you’re in luck! Giving Assistant also offers a browser extension for Firefox and Chrome. To access this browser extension sign-up through our Giving Assistant page and install the browser extension and begin supporting COLOR’s programs now.

King Soopers/City Market Community Rewards: Link your King Soopers or City Market rewards card and support our work! Every time you shop online or in-person using your rewards card, a direct donation goes to support our work. In five easy steps, you can begin donating to COLOR with every purchase you make.

The New Ancestors planned giving program: How can you ensure that your legacy is committed toward Reproductive Justice? One way is through a planned gift. A charitable bequest is a powerful way to ensure that the movement toward Reproductive Justice continues into the future. Please reach out to to learn more about how to become a New Ancestor.

Stock transfer donations: If you’re interested in donating stock to COLOR, please email for an informational packet on gifting assets. 

Amazon Smiles: AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as, including prime. The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice. To begin donating to COLOR simply go to, select COLOR as your charity of choice, and begin shopping. Or, under the “accounts and lists” tab simply click “your amazonsmile” and choose COLOR as your organization of choice.

Tax ReFUND: ReFUND is a convenient way to fund our ongoing work across the state. With reFUND you can donate all or a percentage of your income tax refund to COLOR. To donate to COLOR you simply enter our registration number (20083001107) in the Donate to a Colorado Nonprofit Fund line on your state income tax return, or give this information to your tax preparer, and decide exactly how much of your tax return you would like to donate. Just by giving 10% of your state tax return, you help COLOR continue to provide comprehensive sex ed to youth and adults, and support pregnant persons reach doulas and find birthing centers to have a healthy, safe pregnancy amid the growing demand of healthcare services. Support our work to protect and advocate for our community by entering COLOR’s registration number (20083001107)  in the Donate to Colorado Nonprofit Fund on your state income tax return today.